
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blogaversary - Celebrating my first blog candy

Good Morning -

I am so excited to be sharing this post with you today! Hard to beleive that it will soon be a whole year since I joined the blogging world, yeap April 11, 2009 was my first post.  Yahooooooo! guess what I have for one lucky person? Someone out there  will receive some of my favorite goodies that I love to play with! Here's what I've gathered to celebrate 365 days of blogging fun:

How to be entered in the drawing for this candy package:
1) Become a follower of this blog.
2) Help me spread the word by posting a link on your blog or on your sidebar, or if you don't have a blog, just get the word out.
3) Leave a comment below and let me know if you linked it to your blog (so I may come visit you) or how you are sharing the fun.

This blog candy will close at 7 am EST on April 11th (the date of my first posting!) and the winning posting comment number will be drawn courtesy of Be sure to check back later that day for the winner announcement.

Thanks for helping me celebrate my first year's venture with my blogaversary!!



1 – 200 of 358   Newer›   Newest»
Tanya said...

Happy blogaversary Jackie!!

I'm off to link to my blog.

TeenaBugg38 said...

I'm already a follower, I have posted about your wonderful giveaway...and last but not least...HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!! WOOOO HOOOOOO!!

Natacha said...

Hello Jacki, Happy Blogaversary!!!! Hope you have more wonderful years of blogging!! I linked your blog to mine and i'm already a follower.

Tammy Miller said...

Hey Jacki, Pick Me, Pick Me, just kidding, love the new look very cute cool, love the candy and hope I win!! Congrats on your blogaversary!!!

Janell said...

Woohoo a party!!! Happy blogaversary!!
Hope you have years of happy blogging.

Rhonda Miller said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!! Thanks for a chance to win. I posted your candy in my sidebar.

Jodie Mackrell said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! Love the new look of the blog!
Im addicted to this now so youshould pick

Dazie said...

OOOo hello I have just stumbled across your blog and I love your work!
I have become a follower and I am now whizzing off to add this gorgeous candy to my side bar. Thank you for the chance to win!

Melissa said...

Congrats on hitting the one year mark, Jacki! I've become a follower and have linked you in the Candy Jar on the sidebar of my blog.

I also have candy right now if you want to pop over. :)

Ardilla said...

Congratulations for your aniversary.

Amy said...



Kathlene said...

Thanks for the opportunity. I don't have a blog so can't link, but I'll tell all my crafts friends. You giveaway is awesome.

Thanks again.


Dragonlady said...

Hi Jacki

Congratulations on your Blogoversary hun.
What fantastic candy you have on offer, thanks for the chance to win. I have put a link on my sidebar and am now a follower.

Hugs Ali x

Cheryl said...

Congrats! Happy Blogoversary!

I am now a follower and have posted your candy HERE.

MiamiKel said...

Wow, Jackie - aren't you a sweetie! Happy Blogaversary! I'll add your candy to my sidebar and share the word and send some lovely crafters to your fabulous blog! Hugs! xoxoxo

bubbles32 said...

Happy Blogaversary! Thank you for sharing with all of us. I am a follower and I have added you to my sidebar.


Unknown said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary... and thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy! I'm now one of your followers and hope to visit often for lots of inspiration on Bugaboooooo Stamps :) I've just made a card with my new image and I really loved colouring it ! Hugs xxx PS I've linked you on my sidebar. Tnks

Denimo said...

Hiya Jacki! Look what I stumble upon! Congratulations on your first blogaversary!!! I'll be having one of those this October. Great candy girl. Thanks so much!!

Claude said...

How fun, happy blogaversary!!
This sure is a sweet candy. I posted it in my sidebar, please come by and say hello!

Hannapanna said...

Happy blogaversary! :)
Wow, this is a great blogcandy! Thank's for the chance to win. :) I'm now a follower and I linked to your candy in my sidebar.
Hugs from Sweden

JPScraps said...

Happy Blogaversary! I added you pick to my sidebar & I'm following.

La Vikinga said...


Congratulations on your Blogoversary and I would very much like to participate in your blogcandy and have linked to your blog on my sidebar!

La Vikinga

~ Kendra ~ said...

Happy blogaversary!! What a great blog candy giveaway!! I would love a chance. Posted a link on my blog!

Lisa G. said...

Congrats on a year!! Off to link you on my blog...and I'll be back...I love bugaboo too! said...

Congrats! I will add a link :>)

Big Mamma~ a.k.a. Mary S said...

Congrats on making it a year. Come by Big Mamma's Stampin House and see that I'm showing off your great candy. Thanks so much for the chance.

Peninia / Gosia said...

Hello Jacki,
Happy Blogaversary!!!! Congrats!What a great blog candy giveaway!! I would love a chance.


gocanucksgo said...

Hi Jacki! Happy blogaversary =) New follower here! Thanks for doing such a great candy to celebrate your blogaversary. Keep up the great work and i'm off to put a pic in my side bar.

FojAga said...

Congratulations! You're on my sidebar :)

Анюта said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I am your new follower and linked your candy in my sidebar! Greetings from Russia!

Jennine Chambers said...

Happy Blogaversary! What a wonderful collection of goodies! Love your work! Thanks for the chance to win! Check it out- your on my sidebar :)

Unknown said...

information added at my blog!! pick me!! this candy is so great!!

Evgeniia said...

Happy Blogaversary!
Wonderful candy! There was your reader and here a reference at the left . But I from Russia. It is possible to participate?
All kind, Evgenie

Unknown said...

Wow. I'm dreaming about that kind of candy's. In Poland we don't have such a thing.
I register. Best regards

Craft Paper said...

Congratulation on 365 days of blogging!

Christina said...

thanks for the chance to win. great candy!

Jen P said...

That's some awesome blog candy!!! Congrats on your blog anniversary! I've added a link on my blog -

Lori said...

Hey Jacki ~ You've got some fantastic candy goin on here : ) I've posted for ya on my candy page!
Love and hugs ~ Lori

~*Joni said...

EEK EEK EEK! Happy Blogaversary my sweet friend!!! :D I love the candy you are offering, definitely gives me cavities. But more importantly, I love YOU my dear friend!! HUGS and congratulations!!

ails said...

Congratulations on your Blogaversary Jacki!

I've shared your candy on my left sidebar and I am now following your amazing blog! Yay! You have very inspiring creations and I'll definitely frequent your blog!

I have also added you to my Cards & Scrap Inspirations list on my right sidebar. Happiness!

xoxo, ails

creativewoman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
creativewoman said...

CONGRATS!!!!!! I am now a follower....Love your Blog..I will now go and link you to my blog.

Tanya said...

Happy Blogoversary Jacki!!!
thank you for the chance to win this awesome candy! Really want to be the lucky winner!
I'm your follower now- beautiful blog, amazing cards! Linked candy on my sidebar. Welcome to my blog...

Smita said...

Happy blogoversary!! I'm a follower and I've linked your candy to my sidebar.


Debbi said...

Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win some candy.
I'm a follower and I posted your candy on my sidebar.
Happy Blogging!

Ukka said...

Happy Blogoversary! Your candy just awesome! Thanks and thanks for the chance to win!
Linked candy on my sidebar and I'm your follower.
Greetings from Russia,

Bobbi said...

Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for giving me the chance to win such great candy. I am a follower and have posted this to my sidebar.

Summer said...

Hi.Happy Blogaversary!!!!♥♥♥ Thank you for the chane to win!

Irena said...

Happy blogaversary Jackie!!
That's some awesome blog candy!!! I've added a link on my blog and become your follower.

Larisa said...

I'm already a follower, I have posted about your giveaway on sidebar .

Елена - Lepesto4ex said...

Happy Birthday!
Thanks for the chance to win! I will risk to participate... I have linked you to my sidebar on my blog Lepesto4ex

FarHai said...

Happy Blogoversary!! I'm a follower and I posted your candy on sidebar in my blog.
Thank you for the chance to win!

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Happy Blogaversary! I am now following you and I posted on my sidebar. I also have a giveaway, stop on by.

prpldy (at) comcast dot net

irinka said...

Hello Jacki, Happy Blogaversary!!!!
Your candy looks soooooo sweet. Would love to win it

Marilyn said...

Congrats on your anniversary. I'v linked to my blog & thanks for the chance to win.

JAN said...

first things first Jackie Happy Blogaversary and many more....thank you so much for offering us all the chance to win your wonderful candy..I am a follower and have added it to my sidebar..thanks for the chance Jan

Shannah said...

Congratulations on your Blogaversary!! Hope you continue to inspire us all! Thanks for the chance for some candy, and good luck everyone!

Enthia said...

Oh! Amazing candy.
I love it!

Happy Blogaversary!

greetings from Poland.


Valentina said...

Happy blogaversary Jackie and many more...!!'m already a follower, I have posted about your giveaway on sidebar .

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary Jacki! I have become a follower & I have linked your giveaway on my blog's side-bar. :o)

Tsky said...

Happy blogaversary! I linked your blog to mine and i'm already a follower.

Sissi said...

Happy blogoversary!
I posted on my blog, here:

I'm a new follower.
Hugs from Italy :))

Donna said...

I'm a new follower and just love your blog! Good luck in your next year and those to follow. What a great giveway you have going...thanks for your offering! Sharing your blog with all my stamping buddies!

FLJewel said...

Hi I'm very new to the blog world myself, and wanted to let you know that your candy is my VERY first try!! I really hope I'm doing it right! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Enter Me Please! ! :)
I am new follower via google friend !

my name ipeh
email me :

i post our giveaway here your link on my sidebar :

thank youuuu :D

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower!
Kisses from Italy and thanks for a chance to win some candy!

Arianne said...

Happy blog-o-versary!
Thank you for the chance to win this great candy!

I've put the photo linking back here in the sidebar of my blog.
Oh yeah, and I became a follower.

Kelly Massman said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I am your new follower and linked your candy in my sidebar!

Terra Heck said...

I'm a new follower and published a post about your blog candy giveaway.

Traci66 said...

I'm a follower and have published a post.

This is ME.. said...

Wow how time flies.... Thanks for sharing your blog.
Many many blessings,
p.s. I am a follower now. and will add your blogoversary to my blog...

Shirl said...

Happy 1st year blogaversary Jacki! I've just added your candy to my sidebar at


Annette said...

Congrats! Woo hoo! Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations & offering such yummy candy! I had to spread the word through my blog too!

Alice said...

Hi and happy blogaversary Jacki!! Thanks so much for a chance to win this fab candy! I am new to your blog but now I am a follower, you have a nice blog! I've just put a link to my candybar! Thanks again,

Deb said...

Great blog candy :)

I emailed this link to my friend Beth.

deborah150 at

Bethany said...

Follower! And Congrats!

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

Emailed my friend Patrizzia and my sister Angie!

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Denise said...

Great job! I have become a follower and posted on my blog at

Thanks for the chance!

Denise Wells

Sandon and Othea said...

Congrats! I follow you via google and will tell a scrapbooking friend of mine as I don't have my own "running" blog that isn't a non-profit and must be specific to it.

lbaran. pcs

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower, and I blogged about this for you! Happy Blogoversary! :)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Willz said...

happy blogoversary. i'm your 125th follower. posted your giveaway on my blog

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower.

Unknown said...

AWESOME candy Jacki!
Your blog and creations are beautiful also!
I have posted your candy in my right sidebar Here and I am now a follower! ;)
HaPpY BlOgAvErSaRy!!!!!

Thanks for the chance to win some "Sweets"

True :)

Unknown said...

Hi there Jackie x Happy blogaversary x I have linked your candy on my sidebar ( and I am a follower x luvly blog x Leigh x

♥Jennette♥ said...

Happy blogaversary I am a new follower and look forward to reading more:)

ephrath said...

Congratulations on your Blogoversary hun.
What fantastic candy you have on offer, thanks for the chance to win. I have put a link on my sidebar and am now a follower.

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in! I am a follower and I put a link on my sidebar.

Paola said...

Hi there.. I already posted your candy on my sidebar and I also become a follower of your wonderful blog.. :) Thanks for the chance of winning!

Ksenia said...

Thanks so much for all of the wonderful goodies that you are giving away!
I have popped you in my sidebar on my blog!!
and i follow!

noga said...

great candy, thank you very much!

Mari_Zhuravel said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary!!! and thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy! I'm now one of your followers and hope to visit often for lots of inspiration!
I've added your candy to the sidebar.

carlz said...

congats on your blogoversary! here's to many more to come!
thanks for the chance to win some lovely things hugs carlyann xxx

jakiesmom said...

i follow, e-mail my sister about the giveaway

kadie said...

Happy Blogaversary!! I am a follower and am linking you right now. Your blog is wonderful! I would LOVE to win this generous loot, thanks for the opportunity.

Hildes Scrappeunivers said...

Happy 1st year blogaversary!

I've just added your candy to my sidebar and of course I'll follow you!

Have a beautiful weekend :)

Beverly Hernandez said...

Happy blogaversary! I've added your candy to my sidebar.

juli (sweetpz) said...

Hi Jacki!
Congrats on your 1yr blogaversary!! how exciting heres wishing you many more years of blogging!


shibuble said...

I am Shibu and a newbie to all this. Your candy seems too good to be true and a chance not to miss. I have linked your post to mine though I do not have much on mine, I warn you. But you gotta start somewhere, right. Good Luck to all!!!

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in! I am a follower and I put a link on my sidebar.

Chrisd said...

I'm a follower and linked you on my blog candy sidebar( Your 1st year blogaversary news is wonderful and what lovely treats you are offering. Congrats to you and hugs from Michigan

Amanda said...

Congratulations! And what an amazing giveaway! Everything looks so lovely.
I follow!
muskratholler at gmail dot com

izunika said...

Congratulations for your aniversary.
Candy is sweet.

Теа said...

Happy blogaversary!

Stacey Brucale said...

Thanks for the Chance!

Sidebar link:

Tana said...

Hi Jacki!
Congratulations on your blogaversary! I have become a follower of your fabulous blog and have linked you and your candy in my sidebar.

Thanks again for the chance to win!


Kristyn said...

Happy blog anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy and thank you for having your wonderful blog! I linked your giveaway to my blog at

Anita Bownds said...

im a follower lovein ya blog
ive bloged the candy
blog candy

Cathy said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary and what gorgeous candy.
You are linked on my sidebar.
Cathy xx

Glennis F said...

What a great candy prize you are offering - would love to be picked.
I have posted on my sidebar and become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats on your 1 year coming up

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Happy Blogaversary! I've put this on my sidebar too. I don't often leave comments as I try to visit as many blogs as possible, but I do follow and have for some time!

Laila said...

Happy Blogoversary Jacki :o)
I've added your link to my sidebar, and become a follower too.
I like to get inspirations from other blogs, and I will be sure to look at yours from time to time..
Hugs Laila

Melanie-Jane said...

Happy Blogaversary Jacki! I've put this on my sidebar. Thank's for this great candy !

xxx from Switzerland

Caroline said...

Happy Bloggaversary!!!! Im a ollower, Ive linked you your MEGA candy on my sidebar, thanks for the chance to win!! xxx

Mo said...

Happy Bloggaversary and thank you so much for the chance to win your great candy! I'm a follower and linked your candy on my sidebar...

kc said...

Happy almost anniversary !!

Plundis said...

Happy bloggaversary and thanks for the chance to win your great candy!! I`ve spread the candy info in my sidebar...


O'Shelli said...

Hello Jacki, Happy Blogaversary!!!!
I linked your blog to mine and i'm already a follower.
Thank you so much for the chance to win your great candy!

COSTAR said...

Hi Jacki.. Congrats on almost a year BLOGGING.
I became a follower and put a link to your Candy in my Sidebar.

Hope I get a chance to win..
Huggzzz Colinda

Create With Joy said...

Happy blogaversary Jackie! Thanks for offering so many lovely goodies in your candy!

I am a new follower and have added your candy to my sidebar at Create with Joy! Please stop by when you have a moment - I'd love for you to participate in my giveaway which will be posting shortly, and I'd be delighted to welcome you into my community of Kindred Spirits!

Ramona :-)

FarHai said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tamar B said...


What great candy!!

Hope I win

Thanks for the chance.

I posted on my sidebar here


Nikche said...


Happy Blogoversary!
This is a great Candy. Thanks for the chance to win.
I´m a follower now.

Love, Nicole

Leslie - The Addicted One said...

Great candy! I'd love to win, pleeeease. I've posted your link on my blog. Sure hope I did it right. If not, please let me know. I don't know how to do a button from your link. I will if you tell me tho! :) Thanks and a great big HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Unknown said...

Congrats and thank you for the great blogcandy, Jakie! I put a link to my sidebar:)

Yuliya said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I really want to be the lucky winner. Linked candy on my sidebar and I'm your follower
Happy Blogoversary!

Paula (PEP) said...

Have added myself as a follower - yoour candy is rather awesome so thanks for a chance at it. I am new to these kinds of images so it would enable me to enter more Challenges, I am being thoroughly stretched & cannot get over the community I am discovering. Have managed to get the hang of the sidebar so have added you there.

Jenny V. said...

Happy Blogoversary Jacki!
I've added your link to my sidebar, and now I'm a follower too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-a-versary!!!! Hope you have many more.

Anneke klerks said...

hoi Jacky

Now i am your follower,
great candy, Than you so much to have the change to win in, the link of your candy is on myn blog

greetings anneke

sweetgil said...

Wat een grote candy, wie wil die niet winnen?? Ik heb hem alvast op mijn blog gezet!

Courtney said...

Thanks Jacki!!! This is some yummy candy you are offering! I have linked you to my blog.

Melissa Craig said...

Hi Jackie! I'll post your candy on my blog and since I've been a follower of yours since you started this blog.... Happy Bloggaversary, Mama!

rinat said...

Fabulous blog candy Have become a follower and have a link to your candy. Thanks for the chance to win!

Astrid en Brenda said...

Thanks for this lovely chance to win a Candy. I've made my self a follower and but the link in my site-bar.
Greating Brenda

Bev said...

Happy One Year Blogaversary! I have become a follower and put a link to your fantastic candy on my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win such awesome goodies!

Naomi P said...

Hi, thanks for the chance to win some great candy. I have added you to my sidebar with a link to your site. I am now a follower of your site. Please come and visit me at:
Naomi (AUST)

Ewik21 said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!! Thanks for a chance to win. I posted your candy in my sidebar. I follow Your blog Hugs from Poland Ewa

Bev said...

Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the chance to win your fab candy. I have done as requested and have linked you on my sidebar.

Karen Wilson said...

Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave such a nice comment!

I love your work and thank you so much for the chance to win some great candy! I've linked you in my sidebar and become a follower!

Happy Blogaversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary. Such wonderful candy. Thank you for the chanc to win it. xx Doreen

angelique (anlou) said...

hi, i became a follower, and linked your sweet candy on my sidebar, come and visite my blog, thanks for the oppertunity to win this candy, hugs angelique

Rosalee said...

Hi there Jacki. Happy Blogaversary to you and very swesome cany you have there. I have just added a link to my sidebar and I have become a follower. Come on by my blog and say "Hi".
Hugs, Rosalee

TinaGAle said...

Happy Blogiversary to you! I'm a follower and have linked to my blog at
Look forward to you saying hi

Mimi said...

Happy Blogaversary! I'm a follower but don't have a blog yet. Will spread the word to all!! thanks for a chance to win! ;)

Jodi C. said...

CONGRATS on your Blogaversary!!!

Thanks for the chance at the amazing blog candy!!!

I am a follower and I have the candy posted on my sidebar.

Stampin Mindy said...

Hi Jacki, Happy Blogoversary! I wish you many more happy blogging years! I posted your candy on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win new goodies! Hugs!

Anna Zaprzelska said...

Hello Jacki! Congratulations to you! What a great candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
Greetings from Poland!

Jessica said...

Congrats to you and Happy Blogoversary. ;) I posted you on my blog and thanks for the chance to win your wonderful candy.

suzi*1 said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!
I linked your candy in my sidebar.
Thank you for the chance to win it.

Nathalie said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!
I linked your candy on my blog but it's a new new blog so i don't have a lots of things on it and he's in french.
Thanks for the chance to win :D

rainbow said...

My congratulations!
The link is on the rightt side of my blog:

Кукурузка said...

Prosperity to your blog and always a creative mood!

Elena said...

Happy blogaversary!
Here is link to your candy

thinker said...

Happy Blogoversary! and what a generous gift to offer as you celebrate!!! Thank you for the chance to win some of your favourite things!!
I'm a follower and have linked your candy on my sidebar:

kot said...

What a great candy, amazing stuff!
Info is already on my blog.

kandistar said...

So happy to have found your blog! very generous candy you are sharing on your Blogaversary! I have posted a pic on my wall and I have become a follower, looking foward to another year of creations! *Candace*

Ira said...

What a wonderful candy.
So I wanna say thank you for the chance to win this!!
I linked you in my sidebar

Annelies said...

Happy Blogoversary! I'm following and I've put a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

КИра said...


HeARTworks said...

Happy blogaversary! Thanks for sharing the love! I put your candy on my sidebar:

patsy.paterno (at)

אורית said...

Hi Jacki
congrats for one year of blogging . I discovered your blog today and Ilove it . I'm new follower and put a link at my blogat side bar

Mariyca said...

Happy blogaversary Jackie!!
I put your candy on my sidebar/

kotlyarova said...

Happy Blogoversary! Your blog is great, I like what you make ))

Veronica Z said...

Big Big Congrats on your Blogaversary!

I am a follower, and I have added a pic/link of your candy to my blog sidebar!

Thank you for offering such great candy!

Gloria Westerman said...

Congratulation!!!!!! Just became a follower and post your candy on my

Caroline said...


Thanks for the chance!!!

your candy is great!!!

I am from Brasil and I put in my sidebar!!!

I wish me luck!!!

Hugs Carol

Paulina said...

Happy Blogoversary! Уour cande is Dream!Thank you for the chance to win!My blog

Lenochek Neger said...

Поздравляю от всей души со счастливым годом!!!
Ссылка на боковой панели:

Malin E said...

Thanks for the chance to win.I linked you on my blog.
Hugs Malin

A Soul's Heartbeat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ardilla said...

Hi, I just learn about this candy...

I'm a follower and put the link in my sidebar.

Thanks for the chance and happy blogaversary!

A Soul's Heartbeat said...

Sorry about the first post, couldn't find a way to edit. I've linked your blog candy to my blog
please stop by and visit. Congrats on your blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win your great candy.

Kosemilla said...

Wow, what a great blog candy! And what a lovely blog!
I'm crossing my fingers and toes and wishing for the best. :-)

Thank you for sharing your creativity and congratulations on your first blogaversary! Wishing you all the best!

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

Gorgeous yummy candy here
Happy Blogaversary
Christine x

gandi said...

Happy Blogaversary to you!!! You have done a great candy!!! The punch, the ribbons I love the most!!!
Here, in Hungary you can't buy so lovely things!!! So, thanks for the chance to win!
I put your candy in my sidebar.
Here is my blog.

Tammy said...

Happy Blogaversary Jacki!! This is awesome candy! I will post it on my sidebar! Thank you for a chance to win!
Hugs, Tammy

Jacilynn said...

Congrats Jacki on your 1st blogaversary! Super yummy candy. it has a little bit of all my favorites. Fingers crossed. I love your fabulous blog.

Stephanie said...

1 year already, happy anniversary! I'm just getting close to a week!
I do have to admit you've got some great candy!

Krissbal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I want to win!!!! :) I can taste the candy already! Thank you for this chance and the inspiration from your site everytime I visit! and email me at if I win!!! :)

Janice said...

Congratulatiions Jacki on your blogaversary! This is some wonderful candy!!! Thanks for the chance. I have posted on my sidebar.

Jess S said...

Happy anniversary... directed here by a friends blog... some beautiful work you've got... also popped you on my side bar at my blog -
Thanks :)

Love crafts forever said...

Congratulations, good for you, and thanks for my Birthday candy, o well if i win. Hugs.

Irinca said...

Happy Blogoversary

Ирина (ikrinka) said...

Happy Blogaversary to you, Jacki!
Ohh wow!! This candy is fabulous!! Thank you soo much for the chance to win. I'm your follower and I've linked the candy on my blog

Elenka8791 said...

Happy blogaversary Jacki!!!

I glade be your follower and linled on my side bar)

Thank you for chance. I like sweet candys!!!

lot hugs

Lisa said...

congrats Jacki and thanks for the chance to win such yummy candy, I am now a follower and I have linked you up

flowergirl said...

Congrats!! and thanks for the chance..I just became a follower and linked u up on my blog

Lee Ann said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary. May you have many more years of fun.Here is a link to my blog. Hope I did this right I am new to this. Have a great one and God Bless,
Lee ann

paperpapier said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! Posted the link in my candy sidebar on my blog paperpapier

Lynn Fox-Embrey said...

Congrats!!Just found your blog. I became a Follower. I can't link you to my blog because I haven't started it yet. I'm new to card making and scrapbooking. Still checking blogs for ideas and learning layouts. You have alot of great cards. Thanks.

Alie de Vrij-Venema said...

Congrats to a fun blog year! I just found yours and I'm going to link your candy right now on my blog:
You're invited to come and have a look at mine (I'm just a beginner..)
Greetings Alie

karamino said...

Happy Blogaversary to you, Jacki! I'm your follower and I've linked the candy on my blog.Thank you for the chance to win

Pen to Paper said...

Hi Jacki,

I'm Jackie too! I think it's awesome that you're celebrating your one year blogiversary with candy!!! Very cool! I've followed you, and linked back to you from my bog:

Hope I win!



anat15 said...

happy anniversary!
I'm your follower and I've linked the candy on my blog.

sgc said...

Happy blogaversary, Jackie! What wonderful blog candy! I'm helping you spread the word. Check it out at my blog--Sandyescreations.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!! I´m a new follower, from Sweden. I just love your blog!
I put up a link to you in my sidebar, with picture and all. =)

Happy Easter!

Brenda said...

Happy Anniversary! I am now a follower and I posted in my sidebar! Come over for a visit! Thanks for a chance to win!

Barbarita Salas said...

Hola!!! saludos desde Santiago de Chile. Muchas felicidades. Desde el Sur de Amaerica latina.
Me encanta tu blog.
Un abrazo
Bárbara Salas

Barbarita Salas said...

Hola!!! saludos desde Santiago de Chile. Muchas felicidades. Desde el Sur de Amaerica latina.
Me encanta tu blog.
Un abrazo
Bárbara Salas

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